Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

Diren Nâzım Selimoğlu

Diren Nâzım Selimoğlu



Obviously, for a brand to be successful, they must listen to their customers. Ultimately, your goal as a company should be to satisfy your customers with your product or service. This is easier said than done. With the diverse personality and preferences of people, you will find it hard to satisfy everyone with what your brand is trying to sell. So, the best thing to do is find a middle ground between each of the preferences and try to come up with a blueprint to provide an excellent customer experience and satisfaction. But, how can you do just that? The answer is simple: by getting their feedback.

You should know the power of getting a customer’s feedback on your product or service. Running a business isn’t as easy as it seems; what you think you’re doing right may not be the taste of your customers. This is where customer feedback comes in. By jotting down what your customers think of you, your brand can then channel its effort to improve in order to please your customers and satisfy their needs. Basically, the most common type of information you can get from a customer feedback is whether they are satisfied with your product/service or not. 

In other words, brands can use customer feedback to get closer to their customers. Additionally, it can help you and your brand/company/business understand a customer’s behavior and find out their needs. There are a number of ways on how you can gather customer feedback. Examples include questionnaires, evaluations, and tests to determine what they think of you. But, that is only for the prompted feedback; there is another type of feedback: the unprompted ones. This means that your customers took the time to rate your or leave a comment without you having to urge them to, both of which are either positive or negative. 

The Role Of Contact Centers In Gathering Customer Feedback
Customer feedback, as stated above, is something very necessary companies should gather to measure their efficiency and growth. The ones who can help the most with that are the contact centers. Before you and your business try considering outsourcing to a contact center, you must first emphasize the importance of having and effective gathering of customer feedback to them. In other words, make it a criteria before availing their services.

But, this is not only applicable for outsourcing contact centers, this also applies for companies that have an in-house contact center, obviously. 

Contact centers can use different types of customer feedback gathering methods to assess customer experience and loyalty. They can send out your survey through different channels such as phones, emails, social media, or live chat. Now, what is one example of an effective metric that can measure CX and satisfaction all for your brand’s growth and improvement?

That would be the Net Promoter Score, or simply NPS.
In fact, this is one of the most used metric today. Basicall, NPS measures customer experience programs and loyalty to a company, much like any other customer feedback gathering methods. In the point of view of the customers, you are given a single query survey in which the following are more or less likely stated: 
“How likely are you to recommend [brand name] to a friend or colleague?”
With 0 being highly unlikely and 10 being highly likely to recommend, customers can then answer the question depending on their experience with the brand. Depending on their answers, customer fall into one of 3 groupings or categories to determine their NPS score:

  • Those with the scores of either 9 or 10 are what we call Promoters; they are customers who are very satisfied with your product or service. They would purchase from you loyally and would happily – even passionately -  recommend you to others.
  • Next, those with the scores of either 7 or 8 are what we call the Passives; they are customer who you can consider satisfied but not satisfied enough with your product or service; they can still purchase from your competitors if they find something they like with their product or service.
  • Lastly, those with the scores of 0 between 6 are what we call Detractors; basically, they are very dissatisfied with your product or service. They will never buy from you; and they will see to it that they will discourage their friends or colleagues from availing your product or service ; and they can damage your brand. 

After the surveying stage, the contact center will then gather the data they acquired and calculate the NPS by doing the following:

1. Sum up the total number of Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

2. Determine the percentage for the three groups by dividing each total group by the total number of survey response.

3. After all of that, subtract the total Detractors’ percentage from the total Promoters’ percentage. The difference is your NPS.

Here is an easy example of calculating your NPS by using 1,000 respondents:

650 Promoters (65%)
250 Passives (25%)
100 Detractors (10%)

Your total Net Promoter Score (NPS): 65% Promoters – 10% Detractors = 55 NPS

“How would you know if you have a good NPS?”
Generally, an NPS between -100 and 0 equates to a low score. This means that you are doing poorly with your business; this can be caused by a number of reasons: customers having an unpleasant experience with one of your workers, dissatisfaction of customers with your product/service, or others. You should be alarmed if you get a score within this range and drastically try to improve your brand to increase customer experience and satisfaction.

An NPS between 0-30 is considered good, but some improvements should still be done. You may have some satisfied customers, but with a score like that, they are expected to be few. 

Next, an NPS between 30-70 is considered great. This basically means that you have a lot of satisfied customers, therefore your brand provides great customer service and satisfaction. However, there is still room for more improvement even with a high score like this.

And lastly, an NPS between 70-100 is considered excellent. With this score, your brand is certain to become famous for the excellent customer service, experience, and satisfaction it provides. You are near the ceiling, or at the ceiling even, in terms of providing a good customer experience. Whatever your brand is doing, it should be kept and maintained.

Additionally, you can also follow up with these questions after asking the core or main question to further acquire information that your brand can use to improve:

Why did you give [brand name] that score?
What changes do you want [brand name] to do to improve your experience?

Contact centers (either inbound, outbound, blended, or omnichannel) are important for businesses because they can easily detect and determine whether a customer or not is satisfied with your product or service. Additionally, you can use the NPS to measure your brand’s growth and customer experience. 



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